
Cold Storage Management System in PHP My SQL with Free source code

About the system

This simple project, called Cold Storage Management System, was created using PHP and a MySQL database. It is a web-based application that serves as Cold Storage's corporate website and provides current and prospective customers with a convenient way to learn more about the company. In addition, this solution provides customers with an online reservation platform so that they can reserve or rent cold rooms to maintain their stock. The user interface of the application is simple and attractive. Both the admin side and the public UI side are present in the simple cold storage management system. The admin can manage the data displayed on your public website on the admin side of the app. Management can update information on the website, including corporate details, "about us" and "welcome" sections. Any user can see part of the company's information through the "Public Side" of the project. The company's cold storage facilities are open to customers and potential customers. In addition, customers can submit a hold request to management for inventory they want to have available for a period of time of their choosing.

Project Name: Cold Storage Management System

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,


How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. Notepad++ or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file 

Step 4. Extract the archive and copy the "csms" folder

Step 5. Paste inside the root/ directory where you install xampp local disk C:

Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create the database name csms_db.sql

Step 8. Import the csms_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/cianos_system

Step 10. Password: user: admin / password: admin /


Accounting Journal Management System in PHP My SQL with Free source code

 Accounting Journal Management System in PHP My SQL with Free source code

This is accounting journal management system in simple PHP... This web-based application project aids a particular business in the storage of transaction records for simple retrieval. A working trial balance and trial balance reports are produced by the application. The Bootstrap Framework and Admin template provide it a straightforward and appealing user experience that makes it simple to use, Only the company's accounting personnel has access to the Accounting Journal Management System with Trial Balance Project. Administrators and Staff are the two distinct roles that the system users can play. While the Staff only have limited access, the Administrator users are allowed to use and control all the project's features and functions. In order to access the data, features, and functionalities, users must input their system credentials. With this, a date-based Working Trial Balance and Trial Balance Report can be generated. The list of Accounts and Account Groups (debit/credit) can be managed dynamically by Admin users. Staff users can only manage the entries they have encoded in the journal entry list.

Name of Project:     Accounting Journal Management System

Language Used:      PHP

Database Used:      My SQL

Design Interface:    Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser:                  Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,

Software:                 WAMP/ XAMPP/ LAMP/MAMP

About System


How to setup this project

Step 1st. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2nd. Text editor notepad++ or Sublime

Step 3rd. Download the zip file

Step 4th. Extract the file and copy “ajms”

” folder

Step 5th. Paste inside root directory/ where you install xampp local disk C:

Step 6th. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7th. Create database name ajms_db

Step 8th. Import ajms_db.sql file given inside the zip package in SQL file folder

Step 9th. Run the script http://localhost/ ajms

Step 10th. Password: username:admin / password :admin121


Mobile Cargo Track in Trace in PHP My SQL with source code


Mobile Cargo Track in Trace in PHP My SQL with source code

About the system

One is the Admin Panel, which can only be accessed by the system administrator. To access and control the website data on this side, the administrator needs to enter his system credentials. The admin can fill in the list of smartphone specification categories. The administrator user can manage the specification fields of the smartphone since, as I already indicated, the content of the system is dynamic. The user can add, edit or delete the specification field. The administrator is also in charge of cataloging each smartphone and its specifications, the public side is on the other side. There are no login requirements and everyone can view this website. The user can look through all the cell phones listed and see.

Project Name: Load Track in Trace System

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,



How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. Notepad++ or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file 

Step 4. Extract the file and copy “acms”


Step 5. Paste into the root/ directory where you install xampp local disk C
Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create database name acms_db

Step 8. Import the acms_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/acms

Step 10. Password: username: admin / password: admin123


Paper Generator Automatic Questioner in PHP My SQL with source code


Paper Generator Automatic Questioner in PHP My SQL with source code

About the system
there are three sides to the user interface in this automatic questionnaire generator system. It contains user interfaces for the public side, the registered users side, and the administration panel. the Admin Panel is the side that is exclusively available for administration. The main purpose of this side is to manage the list of data and content for both the public side and the logged in user. "Home" material, "about" content and contact details can be updated here.. of the system. on this side it is only possible to list, view and delete. The "public side" of the system acts as a website that is available to all users and does not include any kind of login process. The aforementioned side displays the "home" material, the "about" content, and contact details. In addition, it acts as a management portal, sending registered users to the pages where they can Log In.


based on the number or count of User-generated questions per category, the questions in the generated question documents are randomly drawn from the database in this system. The generated quiz or questions document is ready to print, and the user only needs to reload the page to modify a question while keeping the rest of the settings The same.


Project Name: Automatic Interrogator Paper Generator

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,



How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. Notepad++ or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file

Step 4. Extract the file and copy “aqpg”


Step 5. Paste into the root/ directory where you install xampp local disk C

Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create database name aqpg_db

Step 8. Import the aqpg_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/ aqpg

Step 10. Password: username: admin / password: admin123

Bakery Shop Management System in PHP My SQL with source code


About the system

The address of the bakery is the only one that has access to this management system in PHP and MySQL. Administration cannot access data, services or functionality without proper user credentials.The people who can manage the goods, stocks and categories are known as Admin Users. They are also allowed to use and control all features and functions of the system. Only transaction management and sales report listing are allowed for cashiers. It has a point of sale feature to monitor the daily sales of the store. It also contains a function that creates a printable receipt and date-Based sales report, Introduction

the Bakery Store Management System Project is called that way. A simple online application was created using PHP/OOP and a MySQL database. This project is an automated platform for bakeries that can help businesses manage their inventory and daily interactions with customers. The system contains a POS function and allows managers to keep track of their inventory of goods. It uses the Bootstrap v5 Framework and offers a user-friendly user interface. It contains features and features that are easy to Use and Easy to Use.


Project Name: Bakery Store Management System

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,


How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. Notepad++ or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file 

Step 4. Extract the file and copy "bsms"


Step 5. Paste into the root/ directory where you install xampp local disk C:

Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create database name bsms_db

Step 8. Import the bsms_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/bsms

Step 10. Password: username: admin / password: admin123


Car Taxi Management System in PHP My SQL with Source code


About the system

Information about the bus station ticketing system

the manager and the cashier are the two different types of system users for this bus station ticket system. The Cashier user has limited access and can only list transaction records that he/she completed personally, while the Administrator user has full access to all system functions and operations. When creating passenger tickets, the system has the ability to create multiple tickets in a single operation, with costs that vary depending on the route chosen and the type of passenger. The software creates a printable transaction record that is organized by date


Project name: Ticketing system for bus stations

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,



How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. VS Code or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file 

Step 4. Extract the archive and copy "bstbs"


Step 5. Paste in root/ directory where you install xampp local drive C

Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create the database name bstbs_db

Step 8. Import the bstbs_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/bstbs

Step 10. Password: user: admin / password: admin123


Bus Station Ticketing Booth System in PHP My SQL with source code

Bus Station Ticketing Booth System in PHP My SQL with source code

About the system

Information about the bus station ticketing system

The Cashier user has limited access and can only list transaction records that he/she completed personally, while the Administrator user has full access to all system functions and operations. When creating passenger tickets, the system has the ability to create multiple tickets in a single operation, with costs that vary depending on the route chosen and the type of passenger. 

Project name: Ticketing system for bus stations

Language used: PHP

Database used: My SQL

Design interface: Bootstrap JavaScript, HTML, Ajax, JQuery,

Browser: Opera Mozilla Google Chrome IE8,



How to set up this project

Step 1. Download xampp PHP Version 8.0.7

Step 2. VS Code or Sublime text editor

Step 3. Download the zip file 

Step 4. Extract the archive and copy "bstbs"  archive

Step 5. Paste in root/ directory where you install xampp local drive C

Step 6. Open PHPMyAdmin http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Step 7. Create the database name bstbs_db

Step 8. Import the bstbs_db.sql file inside the zip package into the SQL files folder

Step 9. Run the script http://localhost/bstbs

Step 10. Password: user: admin / password: admin123
